Ms. Hakika V. DuBose, aka, “Kika” started her first Stretch Studio on May 2011 in Manhattan. That’s when Kika, a former professional actor and dancer with many years of experience, decided to leave her 9 to 5 job.
She went the entrepreneurial way to afford her more time to be with her child. Kika’s education in dance from Montclair State, her work as a personal trainer, instruction in the Alexander technique, Laban movement analysis and advanced anatomy lay the foundation.
Aware of an unmet need in the physical exercise market, she was determined to bridge the gap. Kika Stretch Studios offer an assisted stretching program focused on releasing tension in the body, increasing flexibility and range of motion, and relieving stress and anxiety.
The Kika Method is a gentle, passive, stretching technique that is centered on relaxation therapy for optimal results. It is essentially “The Dancers Approach to Stretching.” This boutique fitness franchise provides customized, one-on-one stretch sessions that caters to clients’ specific needs.
Ms. Dubose started her first Stretch studio in a room shared with a real estate agent. She had a mat, a ball, and a dream. Within four years, her clientele to over 1,000 people. In addition to the Manhattan studio, she has three power stretch outposts in New Jersey and one in Florida.
Her focus teaches clients how stretching delivers the body freedom they crave. Kiks’s objective is to help individuals become more flexible and release the years of locked up body tension.
Her wealth of experience in nutrition, body movement, and stretching, coupled with her Bachelor Degree in the Arts, reputation, and credibility, she expanded the KIKA method to professional bodybuilders.
Compared to other fitness stretching programs, the KIKA Method of assisted stretching is the only method that integrates relaxation therapy and tension release.
The KIKA Method® of assisted stretching was born. The KIKA Method® revolutionized the world of stretching. Her stretch coaches are thoroughly trained in her technique of unlocking flexibility.
Kika also developed the Kika Stretch Years® a systematic method that allows you to measure and track your age in flexibility years.
Kika Stretch Studios has grown to 10 locations, including a Morristown location @ 22 South Street, Morristown, NJ 07960 973-267-0376
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